Fox Farming

Fur Biting

This is seen occasionally in foxes. It is usually connected with shedding of the coat. Often, infections such as ringworm are involved. Animals may bite themselves until they bleed. Deep sores may develop around the tail and thighs. Impacted anal […]

Dimethylnitrosamine (DMNA)

This poison was seen when herring was preserved with sodium nitrate. Heating to produce herring meal resulted in formation of DMNA. This highly toxic poison causes severe liver damage. Animals lose appetite and have abundant fluid in the abdomen. Post […]


These are a common problem during warm weather. Adult female fleas bite foxes to obtain blood. They then lay eggs in cracks, etc. around pens and next boxes. These eggs hatch to small larvae which soon form into pupae. Any […]

Chlorinated Hydrocarbons

These are insecticides in fairly common use. They will cause less of appetite and condition with terminal convulsions. A few years ago, these were used on baited corn to kill birds in Great Britain.Wild foxes eating dead birds showed the […]


There are two types of tapeworms of concern. Both can live as adults in the fox gut and pass eggs. Eggs are picked up by a second host. In one, Dipylidium caninum, this host is the flea larvae. Infected adult […]

Rickets: Calcium Phosphorus Deficiency

Calcium required for growth (seven to thirty-seven weeks of age) is between 0.5 percent and 0.6 percent of the dry diet. The ratio between calcium and phosphorus is omportant and should be about 1.0 to 1.0. Abnormal ratios will result […]

Figure IX. Roundworm egg in feces magnified 300 times.


These are more common in young animals. They cause no major problem unless present in large numbers. Adult worms in the fox gut pass eggs in the feces (Figure IX). After several weeks of warm, damp weather, these eggs develop […]


It must be high quality for growth. from seven to 23 weeks of age between 25 percent adn 34 percent is required (dry matter basis for analysis). After this, between 19 percent and 25 percent is required. Deficiencies retard growth, […]

Chastek Paralysis (Vitamin B1 or Thiamine Deficiency)

This was first reported on the Chastek Fox Farm in Minnesota in 1936. It is due to this vitamin being destroyed in the feed. Certain fish contain the destructive enzyme known as thiaminase. Common ones include smelt, alewife, sucker, saltwater […]

Clostridiosis Botulism

This is always a potential ranch hazard due to contamination of fish or meat. The cause is high levels of type A, C, or E toxin produced by Clostridium botulinum. The toxin is made by bacterial growth in unfrozen or […]